Black Lake School Photo 1954/5 Mr Jewson's Class

Left to Right.....Mary Billingham - Joyce Lawley - Michael Callaghan - Kenneth Bowen [?] - Barrie Elton - Tony Leathem and John Barker....John was the local vicar's son
Many thanks to Barrie Elton for the photo

Photos donated by Graham Banks

Below are some excellent photographs donated to the site by Graham Banks who's family lived in Poplar Avenue.

Graham stumbled across this site and found his Uncle Maurice in a previous Photo on here showing a group of children in Poplar Avenue (see further down this page) His Uncle, Maurice is the Boy second from right and he is still alive aged 84

Grahams Father, Stanley Banks and his Uncle Leslie all lived in Poplar Avenue with their Parents James W Banks and Alice, who run the shop in number 14 Poplar Avenue

James Banks was Mayor of West Bromwich  in 1956/7 and received an MBE in the 1960's. He lived in Poplar  Avenue until it was demolished in the 70's?

Many thanks to Graham for donating these wonderful Photos

Here is Graham's site about his family, he would be delighted to hear from anyone who can help him with his research into his family History

All photos are covered by copyright to Graham Banks

Wedding in the 'Big Freeze' of 1947, St Philip's Church, Beeches Road

Graham Banks Mother trying to get through the snow 5th March 1947

Photo at the rear of 4 Pleasant Street, showing the GWR lines and Turners

Showing L to R Graham Banks's  Grand Father William Courtnell, Thomas  Courtnell (Great Grand Father) and Williams son Lawson Courtnell (Uncle)

Another shot of the rear of Pleasant Street showing the main G.W.R Liverpool/London line in background - goods line in foreground 1947

Stanley Banks at the rear of Poplar Avenue




Alice Banks outside her shop she ran with her Husband James W Banks who was the Mayor of West Bromwich 1956/57

All photos © Graham Banks

Early view of Houses by Hill Top Park Bandstand c1900

Spencers Wine Merchant at the High Street & Sandwell Road Junction during demolition c1970s

The Sixth on stage at Churchfields School 1962/3

Thanks to Barrie Elton from Paignton for the photo

Tower Cinema, Carters Green c1930s

Tower Cinema as the ABC Bingo Hall in winter c1960/70s

Christ Church, & Gardens of Rembrance, High Street c1950s

The impressive Christ Church was demolished after a fire and the local Job Centre is now in it's place and the building to the left is now the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registery

Christmas Party at the Royal British Legion, Victoria Street c1950s

Recognise anyone ??...Thanks to Alan for the Photo (Alan is the one right in the middle...to the right of the Woman holding the child)

Children & Houses in Poplar Avenue c1920s

Poplar Avenue is situated between Beeches Road and the High street off Nicholls Street, close to where Trinity Way Expressway is now. Alan reckons that the land these children are standing on was used, during the war, as a man built pond holding water to help the Fire Brigade hold water to help with dousing the fires during a bombing raid

EMB Football Team Photo c1900

EMB was situated at the top of Oak Road, more or less opposite where Millers was (Thanks to Alan for the Photo)

Guns Village Boys School Festival Of Britain Class Photo 1951

Recognise anyone ?...Alan is the Boy on the back row 6th from the right with all the badges on !

Joan & Ivy on Greets Green "Rec" showing Claypit Lane Pre-Fabs in background

Thanks to Geoff (Ivy's Husband) for the photo

Farm before the Navigation on the Walsall Road c1959

Sandra Lester (Geoff's Daughter) at the farm

The Roebuck Pub, New Street/Walsall Street

Taken from just outside Webs the Funeral Directors, shop next door is Atkins the grocers, this spot is now the car park for the Police station (Thanks to Geoff & John for the photo)

Ebenezer Anniversary

Ebenezer Chapel was built in Old Meeting Street, Carters Green in 1839 and is still there but with a change of religion. Don't know when this was taken. Thanks to Carol for the photo

West Bromwich High Street looking South c1950s

Showing, on the left, the Ruskin Hall Billiards club above the sweet shop, the Anchor Pub and The Westminster Bank with K&J in the distance and St Michaels spire on the right. Published by Tucks, Number WB2

Trows Sweets & Ice Cream Shop c1920s

Owned by Edward Trow and situated at 26 Bull Street, famous locally for it's home made Ice Cream

The Tower Cinema, Carters Green 1935

The Tower Cinema close to it's Grand Opening showing Madeleine Carroll in the 39 Steps 9th December 1935. Madeleine Carroll was born in 32 Herbert Street (Now 44) West Bromwich

People by Carters Green Clock Tower Postcard c1900s

Unused Postcard, Published by Farmer's Series, Darlaston

Early view of the Farley Clock Tower, Carters Green c1900s

Published by Valentines, taken from near to where the Y.M.C.A is now

Oak House Postcards c1910s

Houses in Dagger Lane, West Bromwich c1930s 

Houses at the top of Dagger Lane, Photo taken right outside the Dagger Lane Park gates

Taken from more or less the same spot on 23/10/2008

West Bromwich m.v. Postcard, High St, Park, Town Hall, Clock Tower c1950s

A unused West Bromwich multi-View Postcard showing scenes from around West Bromwich c1950s (Thanks to Jim in Hobart, Tasmania for the scan)

King George VI Coronation Street Party, Thomas Street, West Bromwich 12th May 1937

Many thanks to Geoff Lester for this photo showing the 1937 King George VI Coronation Street party held in Thomas Street, Geoff is the Little Fellow in the middle row towards the right, in front of the big man on the back row with the suit & tie on

Geoff !

People by Heath Lane Cemetery Gates From Vicarage Road c1900s

This scene has not changed much, taken from right in the middle of Vicarage Road. The Spire in the middle of the Cemetery went in, I believe, the 1970s

Heath Lane Cemetery Gates Postcard sent to Balsall Heath 1908

Classic Cars on the High Street, West Bromwich c1950's

Taken on the High Street near to K&J with the Midland Electricity Board on the right along with Martin's Bank and the spire of St Michaels Roman Catholic Church....The Ladybird Shop (where, as a kid, Mom used to buy my clothes from) was on the right down towards the church (Thanks to Christian in Berlin, Germany for the photo)